Would Those Who Know You Best Say Your Word Can Be Trusted Job Applicaton

How To Prepare for an Interview

Past Hanne Keiling

December 8, 2021

Hanne was a senior content manager at Indeed.

**Related video: How To Ready for An Interview—The Best Pre-Interview Strategy

Preparing for an interview might seem intimidating, merely in that location are several steps yous can take to ready yourself for a successful interview. In this commodity, we create an interviewing prep checklist with 11 items.

Preparing for an interview

Preparing for an interview primarily means taking time to thoughtfully consider your goals and qualifications relative to the position and employer. To attain this, y'all should perform inquiry on the company and carefully review the job description to sympathise why you would be a good fit. Allow'south look at the steps to preparing for an interview.

1 . Advisedly examine the job clarification

During your prep work, you should apply the employer's posted job description as a guide. The job description is a list of the qualifications, qualities and background the employer is looking for in an platonic candidate. The more yous tin can align yourself with these details, the more the employer volition exist able to come across that you are qualified. The job description may also give you ideas most questions the employer may inquire throughout the interview.

2 . Consider why you lot are interviewing and your qualifications

Before your interview, y'all should have a good understanding of why yous want the job and why you're qualified. You should be prepared to explain your interest in the opportunity and why yous're the best person for the role.

three . Perform inquiry on the visitor and office

Researching the company y'all're applying to is an important part of preparing for an interview. Non just will it help provide context for your interview conversations, simply it will also assist you when preparing thoughtful questions for your interviewers.

Researching the company and role as much equally possible will requite you lot an border over the competition. Not only that, merely fully preparing for an interview will help you remain calm so that you tin can exist at your best. Here are a few things you should know before you walk into your interview:

Research the product or service:
Even if the role isn't direct related to the company's product or service, you're still looking to be part of the squad. It's important to learn all yous tin can nearly the product or service the company produces and promotes. You don't necessarily need to sympathise each and every particular, especially if it's a technical product, and you're interviewing for a not-technical position, but y'all should have a basic understanding of the main products or services the company offers.

If possible, request a sample of the production to familiarize yourself with the customer's perspective. The more you tin tell them about the product from both a visitor and client standpoint, the better you lot'll perform in your interview.

Enquiry the role
It's of import to read the job description advisedly and make sure that you understand all the requirements and responsibilities that get along with it. This volition not just prepare yous with thoughtful, targeted questions about the position during the interview, but information technology will ensure that you're truly qualified and prepared to tackle the responsibilities if you get the job.

If possible, inquiry similar positions and read reviews from individuals in those positions, so yous tin can get an idea of what the 24-hour interval-to-day activities will be. During the interview, ask for clarification or details almost the role, so yous can be sure you're ready should you receive a job offer. Researching the role earlier an interview will also help you to decide whether or not the position is right for you.

Research the company civilisation
Mod companies usually have social media accounts and blogs that discuss their visitor culture and manufacture. This information tin requite you an impression of the tone and personality of the company, as well as what they value. No matter how good a chore seems, it'south important that you lot fit inside the company culture and share a like personality and values.

If you have questions about the workplace environment, culture, personality or values, exist sure to ask during the interview. These questions can range from the software and tools used by the company, to their policies on vacation and sick time. Call back that the interview is just as much about y'all finding a expert fit for your ain work environment as it is nigh the visitor finding a good fit for the role. Knowing that your values marshal with the company ensures a happy professional life. This is also the perfect opportunity to detect out more about the company and show the interviewer how you lot'll fit.

4 . Consider your answers to mutual interview questions

While you won't be able to predict every question y'all'll be asked in an interview, there are a few common questions y'all can plan answers for. You might too consider developing an elevator pitch that speedily describes who you are, what yous exercise and what yous want.

At that place are some jobs that may involve a test or evaluation during the interview process. For case, if you are interviewing for a figurer programming, development or analytics function, y'all might also be asked to write or evaluate lines of code. Information technology might exist helpful to consult with colleagues in the industry for examples of tests they've been given to ready.

You lot should also ready to talk over your salary expectations, but in case. If you're unsure almost what salary is appropriate to inquire for the position you're applying to, visit Indeed's Salary Calculator to get a free, personalized pay range based on your location, industry and experience.

Hither are a few examples of common interview questions:

Why do yous want to work here?
The all-time way to prepare for this question is to acquire most the products, services, mission, history and culture of the company. In your answer, mention the aspects of the visitor that appeal to you and marshal with your career goals.

Case: "I'd love the opportunity to work with a company that's making a deviation. Finding a company with a positive piece of work environment and values that align with my own has remained a priority throughout my task search, and this company ranks at the pinnacle of the list."

What interests you virtually this function?
Employers ask this question to brand certain yous empathize the part, and to give yous the opportunity to highlight your relevant skills. It tin can be helpful to compare the role requirements against your skills and feel. Choose a few things you particularly enjoy or excel at, and focus on those in your answer.

Example: "I've been passionate about user experience pattern for most of my professional person career. I was excited to come across this company uses Adobe products because I'k well-versed in the entire suite. Besides, I'm a huge advocate for applying active workflows to design. I think it'south the virtually constructive way to tackle large projects. I was able to successfully build and launch an agile process in my previous part as UX manager, and nosotros saw considerable improvements in project speed."

What are your greatest strengths?
This question gives you an opportunity to talk about both your technical and soft skills. When an interviewer asks yous to describe your strengths, share qualities and personal attributes and then relate them back to the part for which yous're interviewing.

Case: "I'grand a natural problem-solver. I find it rewarding to dig deep and uncover solutions to challenges—information technology's like solving a puzzle. It's something I've always excelled at, and something I enjoy. Much of production development is about finding innovative solutions to challenging issues, which is what drew me to this career path in the commencement place."

Read more than: Interview Question: What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?

In addition to these, you should also have steps to set up answers to behavioral interview questions.

Interview Tips

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Interview tips:

  1. Research the company and your interviewers

  2. Practice your answers to mutual interview questions

  3. Report the job description

  4. Respond questions using the STAR method

  5. Recruit a friend to practice answering questions

  6. Exist prepared with examples of your work

  7. Plan your interview attire the night before

  8. Prepare smart questions for your interviews

  9. Bring copies of your resume, a notebook and pen

  10. Tie your answers back to your skills and accomplishments

5 . Exercise your speaking voice and body linguistic communication

It's of import to make a positive and lasting impression during the interview procedure. You tin can do this by practicing a confident, strong speaking voice and friendly, open body language. While these might come naturally to you, you might besides want to spend fourth dimension performing them with trusted friends or family or in front of a mirror. Pay special attention to your smile, handshake and stride.

To learn more nigh interview body language, consider the following resources:

vi . Prepare several thoughtful questions for the interviewer(s)

Many employers feel confident virtually candidates who ask thoughtful questions about the company and the position. You should take time before the interview to prepare several questions for your interviewer(s) that prove you've researched the visitor and are well-versed about the position. Some examples of questions you could ask include:

  • What does a typical mean solar day wait similar for a person in this position?

  • Why do you lot enjoy working hither?

  • What qualities do your about successful employees accept?

  • I've really enjoyed learning more than about this opportunity. What are the adjacent steps in the hiring procedure?

Related: Interview Question: "Do Y'all Have Whatsoever Questions?"

seven . Conduct mock interviews

Just like public speaking, practicing interviews is the best manner to salve anxiety and improve your confidence. Practice may experience tedious, but repeatedly experiencing the interview process will brand yous more comfortable and assistance you lot give the right impression.

If you have friends or family unit to help, carry mock interviews as much as yous can. If you lot don't have another person, do your questions and answers out loud. You may discover that an answer sounds awkward or doesn't convey what you wish when it's spoken, then this gives you an opportunity to refine your answers and commit them to memory. The more than you lot repeat your interview, the more than confident you'll exist during the existent affair.

8 . Impress hard copies of your resume

Most employers inquire for digital copies of your resume with the awarding, merely they may not have easy access to it during the interview itself. Having copies to present to multiple interviewers shows that you're prepared and organized. Yous should take at least three copies to provide for multiple interviewers, plus one for yourself to follow along.

During your preparation, read over your resume and rehearse explanations for whatever gaps that may appear or other oddities. For example, you may have taken time off piece of work to intendance for a child or family member, switched careers or had other legitimate reasons for employment gaps. These can be a concern for employers, so it's best to prepare your explanation to show them that y'all're not a risk.

You may also encounter questions about your resume that are awkward. It's important to be honest but diplomatic in addressing them. For example, you may have left a job considering of your supervisor or manager, or policies that yous didn't hold with, but you don't want to speak negatively about a one-time employer. Consider these possible questions and gear up your answers in advance, and then you don't accidentally say something you'll regret.

Like the rest of the interview, it'southward best to set for these questions by writing notes and rehearsing your answers out loud multiple times prior to the interview.

nine . Prepare your travel arrangements

Chore interviews tend to be stressful for most people for many reasons, but getting to the interview can be a challenge in itself. If your interview is an unfamiliar surface area or fifty-fifty an entirely new urban center, information technology can exist a source of anxiety to find your way effectually and brand certain that you lot prove upward on time.

To avoid becoming too anxious for your commute, prepare yourself to ensure everything goes smoothly on the day of the meeting. Here's how:

  • Leave early: This may seem obvious, but information technology's ameliorate to go out with plenty of time to get to your interview, fifty-fifty if information technology ways arriving manner too early. Fifty-fifty if you leave yourself a few extra minutes to get there, pocket-size obstacles can be enough to make you late, such as heavy traffic, accidents, no parking or trouble finding the edifice. If y'all arrive too early, just utilize the fourth dimension to go over your notes and mentally prepare for your interview.

  • Save the interview contact information: Fifty-fifty with plenty of time for your commute, sometimes situations out of your control tin can even so cause you to be late. If something happens and you lot know yous'll be a little late, phone call your interview coordinator and make them enlightened of the state of affairs. Almost people are empathetic to these situations and empathize that some things just tin't be helped, especially if you're letting them know in advance and have a reasonable explanation. In this situation, the worst thing you could do is prove upwards late without any notice and try to explain yourself.

  • Search the location in advance: Most interviews are scheduled days or weeks in advance, so you have fourth dimension to research the location. If your interview is close enough, you lot can take a day to get to the location and check out the parking, take note of the traffic and detect the suite or office where your interview will be. If y'all're broken-hearted about parking or any other aspect of the location, contact your interviewer to ask them for more information.

10 . Sell yourself

One of the biggest challenges in an interview is selling yourself. Most people are uncomfortable with this idea, merely presenting yourself accurately and positively doesn't have to feel like a sale. The truth is that you exercise have professional skills and experiences that may set you autonomously from other applicants, and so information technology's acceptable and expected for you to acknowledge them to your potential employer.

When y'all prepare for a job interview, make note of your skills that relate to the role and remember of how your experiences and abilities can contribute to the overall goals of the department and visitor. Your answers will exist somewhat short, and so you want to choose the most positive and relevant information to share during the interview.

If you take metrics or stats to evidence your accomplishments or growth during your previous roles, they're a nifty help in selling yourself during the interview. For example, you may have increased sales by a sure pct or increased social media date in your last position.

Whatsoever accomplishments you have, don't be small-scale about sharing them during your interview. Your potential employer wants to know that you'll be the right fit and that you can evangelize something to the company, so they need to know all the reasons that you can provide that for them.

11 . Get ready to follow up afterward the interview

After your interview, you should prepare to follow up with the employer. Doing and then reminds the employer of your conversation, shows them you are genuinely interested in the position and gives you the opportunity to bring upward points you forgot to mention.

Hither are a few steps you can follow when crafting a follow-up note:

  • In the kickoff paragraph, mention the specific job title and thank your interviewer.

  • In the second paragraph, notation the company's name too as a conversation point and/or goal that seemed especially important to the person y'all spoke with. Connect that point to your experience and interests.

  • In the last paragraph, invite them to ask you any additional questions and close by saying you're looking forrad to hearing back.

Read more than: Follow-Upward Email Examples For Subsequently the Interview

Final tip: If you don't know the respond to a sure question, it is perfectly acceptable to pause for a moment and simply state, "Permit me think about that for a moment." The employer will appreciate you taking the time to give them a thoughtful answer. Be sure to provide specific examples wherever possible. Taking time to ready for an interview will ultimately help yous feel more relaxed and confident during the process.


Source: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/interviewing/how-to-prepare-for-an-interview

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